Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can I drive after having a spray tan done?

I'm having a spray tan done professionally next week for the first time. And basically my friend has got me worried that if I drive home after I've had it done the steering wheel and gear box etc will rub the tan off and leave my hands patchy! Will this actually happen?Can I drive after having a spray tan done?
No. They usually will give you a towel or something to help you dry. you wont get into your car dripping of spray tan, that would be the only way.

Ive gotten them done, gotten dressed, driven home and then showered a few hrs later.

you will be fine.Can I drive after having a spray tan done?
no cos you dont tan the palm of your hands. everywhere gets tanned but they wipe your hands cos your hands and feet tan the most. they never spray your palms cos if you were to get a suntan you would never naturally tan there
Well yea - if you drive with the backs of your hands!

Are you sure you are old enough to drive.

Ohh and the gear box is under the car - how you gonna get at that then.
no you wont have the tan on the palms of your hands silly!

remember to wear loose clothing (not jeans - they will leave lines down your legs where the seams are!)
No the tan wont rub off as they only spray the tops of your hands and you do not use the tops of your hands for driving as far as i am aware!

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